Wow. Another school year is upon us. I’m still kind of taking it all in. Our kids finished up school in Peru in December 2018, began 5th and 8th grades online in January 2019, and are now starting their 6th and 9th grade years back at school in the U.S. this week!
To celebrate, I created the Ultimate Back To School Bilingual bundle! These printables are designed to be a fun space to jot down homework assignments and schedules. In addition to the daily planner and homework tracker pictured below, there are two bonus printables.
I divided the printables into two color collections. In the pastel collection you’ll receive the printable featured above, and a pastel homework assignment tracker. The second collection is royal blue. It features a homework tracker in English and in Spanish. You’ll also receive a weekly planner.
Click the link to my Selz store below to access the free Ultimate Back To School Bilingual Bundle! And just a hint, once you arrive at my store and click the collection you want, scroll all the way down to the long turquoise rectangle to seal the deal and complete the free purchase.
Wishing you all a happy school year!